Looking for something fun for the kids to do in the September/ October school holidays? We are excited to open our doors to the Kedron community.
Our Kids Holiday Club program will encourage kids to explore through games, craft, music, food and bible stories. There is also a huge, free, family fun night.
The Resurrection: The Source of Christian Confidence
The resurrection of Jesus is celebrated by Christians right around the world. It is key to the Christian’s faith and stands at the very centre, the very core of the gospel. Listen as Pastor Dave shares why we can be certain that Jesus rose again, and have certainty and confidence in the Christian life.
The Crucified King
Soon after His birth Jesus was worshipped as “King of the Jews” by wise men from the east. Years later He burst onto the public stage with the message: “The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news.” The sign above His head as He died read: “The king of the Jews”. A day is coming when He will finally put an end to all evil and be known as “King of kings and Lord of lords”. This King gave His life for you and me. He is more than king of the Jews. He is King and Lord over every one of us. Have you bowed before Him with a thankful heart? Let Him reign in your life today.
Failure, forgiveness & a fresh start
Who was responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus? Judas ….the Sanhedrin …..Governor Pilate …..the Roman soldiers? Of course, they were involved. But what about Peter …..and the other disciples? And what about us? As we look more closely at Peter’s denial of Jesus we simply can’t avoid the stark truth that we are all far more like Peter than we care to admit. We think our commitment to Christ is stronger than it is. We think that we are better than others. We fail to pray like we should. We cave in when challenged to identify with Christ publicly. That night Peter saw himself as he really was, a sinner in desperate need of the forgiveness that only Jesus could give him. Perhaps for the very first time he understood why Jesus had to die …….it was for him as much as anyone else. Jesus did forgive Peter and made him a new man. What Jesus did for Peter He wants to do for you and me too.
Peter Bernas: The Betrayal of Jesus
Tune in as Peter Bernas explores the actions of Judas.
Saved to Serve
Humility is not a particularly popular virtue today. In fact it’s probably seen as sign of weakness. We are taught to promote ourselves and encouraged to “have a bit of attitude”. So what does Jesus think? In today’s message we see Jesus turning the world’s values upside-down, and in a most dramatic way. To make yourself a slave to someone else seems ludicrous, yet that’s exactly what Jesus has done for us on the cross. In divine humility He took our place in order that we might be washed clean from our sin. How should we respond to this? By now following Christ in serving others.
Giving Everything For Jesus
Surely one of the more bizarre incidents in Jesus’ life happened during the final few days prior to His crucifixion. During a meal with His friends, Mary of Bethany quite unexpectedly anointed Jesus with 300-400mls of the most expensive imported perfume, then wiped His feet with her hair. Why did she do it? What about the expense? How about the waste of money? Through this act of extreme generosity and devotion, Mary challenges the way every Christian ought to respond to Jesus. As we consider all that Christ has done for us, especially His death on the cross, is there anything we should not be willing to gladly give to Him?