Kids Holiday Club (Page 60)

Kids Holiday Club (Page 60)

Looking for something fun for the kids to do in the September/ October school holidays? We are excited to open our doors to the Kedron community.

Our Kids Holiday Club program will encourage kids to explore through games, craft, music, food and bible stories. There is also a huge, free, family fun night.

When the Going Gets Tough

Bad things happen! What’s more, bad things happen to Christians! They happen because of our own sinfulness, because of the sinfulness of others, and because we live in a world seriously damaged by sin. So how does the Christian cope when bad things happen in life? In today’s passage the readers are encouraged in two specific ways to keep themselves from losing heart and falling away from Christ. Real faith is persevering faith. It actually becomes stronger when the going gets tough. Faith rests in the certainties of Christ when circumstances seem hopeless. What are you facing today? Look up: “The righteous person will live by faith”!

Peter Francis: Praying The Missional Heart Of God

Long before Jesus gave the ‘Great Commission’ he taught his disciples to pray the ‘Great Petition’, “Your Kingdom come, your will be done.” Such a prayer will always compel us to become shares in the mission of God in this world.

The Difference Christ Makes

When a person becomes a Christian, he or she inevitably begins to change. The old way of thinking and behaving, under the influence of the Holy Spirit, is steadily replaced by the new life of Christ. And we are to cooperate with the Spirit in this ongoing process as we “put to death” the old life and “put on” the new life. In this message we look at some of the practical changes that take place when we allow the peace of Christ, the Word of Christ, and the name of Christ to get to work in our lives. To really know Christ is to experience the powerful difference only he can make in every possible area of life. “If anyone is in Christ he or she is a new creation”. I wonder whether that is true of us?

The High Calling Of Being A Mother

It seems as though our culture today is confused about the role of motherhood. On the on hand it champions the place of women and celebrates childbirth, yet at the same time it suggests that when it comes to the task of raising children and managing your home, this is in some way the last option for women and not her first choice. The role of those who chose to stay at home and raise their children is often discounted and at times demeaned. Listen as Pastor Dave looks at what the Bible has to say about the role of motherhood, that it is indeed a high calling and sacred duty that ultimately points our children to Jesus.

Living the new life

Paul has reminded the Colossians that the Christian has died to the old life and been given a new life in Christ. Now he shows them what it looks like to live out their new life. Join us as we think about what it means for us to take off the old life with its practices and to put on the new life. Each of us must ask ourselves this question: How does the fact that I have a new life in Christ affect the way that I live?

The Seriousness of Sin

WARNING! This message contains themes that most people don’t want to hear about… namely sin, judgement and hell. In an age of “warm fuzzies” and non-judgementalism it is not politically correct to even hint that a person’s sin might have consequences. Our passage today is aimed specifically at people who claim to be Christians, and seem to be comfortable mixing in church circles, but have no conscience about deliberately and shamelessly committing certain sins. To do so is to make a mockery of the sacrifice Jesus has made for our forgiveness, and to expose us to the judgement of God. Yes, sin is problem we all face. But that is why we must keep repenting. Blatant ongoing sinning is another matter. Let us never forget that “it is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God”.

Rejoice with me!

Baptism is one of the great symbols of the Christian faith, representing both the reality of sins forgiven, and the fact that a Christian has died to the old life of sin and been raised to new life with Christ. And our rejoicing tonight, as we witness several baptisms, is also a symbol which represents the fact that God himself rejoices with his angels when sinners repent. What a great privilege it is to rejoice together as we consider the good work God has done in these young people!

Putting faith into practice

Despite what we sometimes think, doctrine is important. Things like doctrinal statements and creeds set a foundation for our faith. The first 9+ chapters of the book of Hebrews are important, meaty doctrine. But doctrine that is not translated into Christian living is useless. So in today’s message we see a distinct shift in focus to our practical response as we absorb and process all that Christ has done for us. The writer throws out three big challenges, which urge us to think seriously about the way we relate to God, the way we see the future, and the way we care for one another. In particular, Pastor Murray raises the touchy issue of church attendance. Of course, it’s good for us to get to church, but it’s also vitally important because of how it enables us to “spur each other on toward love and good deeds”.

Staying Strong as the Battle Goes On

Why is it that some churches survive and flourish while others struggle and die? Of course, there is no simplistic answer to that question, but it is still worthwhile asking it. The great apostle Paul planted many churches and longed to see them staying strong, even in the face of stiff opposition. As he concludes his letter to the church at Ephesus, he gives a profound challenge which can be applied to every church in every generation, including our church today. In short he tells us that we are in a serious spiritual battle with the devil, so we must utilise the resources which God himself provides if we are to remain strong in this battle. Listen in as Pastor Murray spells out the “armour” we need to withstand the “flaming arrows” aimed against us, so that as God’s people we can hold our ground and keep growing into the future.

Bill Colyer: More Joy!

Often it seems that joy is hard to find and harder to keep. God invites us to a joy that thrives in hard places! What gives this kind of joy?