Kids Holiday Club (Page 55)

Kids Holiday Club (Page 55)

Looking for something fun for the kids to do in the September/ October school holidays? We are excited to open our doors to the Kedron community.

Our Kids Holiday Club program will encourage kids to explore through games, craft, music, food and bible stories. There is also a huge, free, family fun night.

Greg Beaumont: Comfort in suffering

Suffering is really hard! But one of the challenges that can face Christian’s when suffering happens is their expectations. Should Christians expect suffering in their life? The Scriptures give a resounding ‘yes’! But even if our expectations are right, suffering is still difficult and painful and causes us at times to doubt God’s love, sovereignty and justice. In tonight’s passage our expectations of suffering are affirmed but we are also comforted by Paul as he gives purpose to the Christian’s suffering, affirms God’s justice in suffering, and points us to how the name of Jesus is glorified in our patient endurance of suffering.

The Disillusioned Disciple (Judas Iscariot)

Why do people fall away from following Christ? There are many possible answers to this question, and it troubles those of us who love and care for our friends who do. Judas Iscariot stands as the supreme example, as someone who was so close to Jesus, yet not only walked away but even betrayed Him. Why did he do it? What went wrong? In today’s message Pastor Murray takes us behind the scenes into Judas’s life as we wrestle with these questions. But the bigger question is: could it happen to us? Sadly, the answer is “yes” (see 1 Corinthians 10:12-13). But the good news is that even when we fall away, God is still offering a way back. Failure doesn’t have to be final. Just as Peter found forgiveness after denying Jesus, we can, too. He is the “God of the second chance”.

God’s humble messenger (John the Baptist)

One of the greatest men of all time, according to Jesus, is John the Baptist. Yet in so many ways he is an enigma to us. He lived in the desert, wore weird clothes, ate weird food and wasn’t afraid to offend people, even the governor and his wife! Yet this eccentric man was also profoundly godly. In the tradition of an Old Testament prophet he fearlessly called people to repent and get ready for the arrival of the Messiah. But he was also deeply humble as he consistently pointed people to Jesus and flatly refused any special attention for himself. His greatest joy was to see other people following Jesus: “He must become greater. I must become less” was his modus operandi. May we be as faithful in pointing others to Jesus in our day.

Four very personal questions

The 2016 “Word of the Year” according to the Oxford Dictionary is “post-truth”. Sadly, truth doesn’t seem to matter in many circles these days. Truth is a matter of personal opinion rather than objective fact. But that’s not the way Jesus understood truth. In today’s passage He calls us to decide clearly between different options, because the consequences of the decisions we make in life have profound implications. He talks about a “road that leads to destruction”, a “tree that is cut down and thrown into the fire”, and a house that “fell with a great crash”. Where are you looking for truth? Because according to Jesus, truth does exist and it really does matter!

The Word

Listen as Pastor Dave continues our advent series by showing how Jesus is the final word to us on God and our sin.

Christian Thankfulness

Listen as Pastor Dave shares how thankfulness is more than just good manners, but actually part of the Christian experience. God’s people are called to be thankful, and we have so much to be thankful for.

“Thank you, Lord!” (Thanksgiving Service)

The old Psalm expresses it like this: “Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits.” (Psalm 103:2). It might sound somewhat quaint to the modern ear, but in our so-called “age of entitlement” we can so easily take God’s goodness for granted. We expect life to treat us well and grumble when it doesn’t. Today, the day of our Annual Church Meeting, we want to stop for a moment and consider some of the ways God has blessed us this year… and there are many! Then let’s take a moment to say “thank you”.