Kids Holiday Club (Page 47)

Kids Holiday Club (Page 47)

Looking for something fun for the kids to do in the September/ October school holidays? We are excited to open our doors to the Kedron community.

Our Kids Holiday Club program will encourage kids to explore through games, craft, music, food and bible stories. There is also a huge, free, family fun night.

Peace for a troubled world

“Peace, peace… perfect peace” is one of the most elusive longings of our age. Whether we’re talking about the world stage, the workplace, the family or the inner thoughts of the human mind, there is a longing for peace. But is it possible? In the Old Testament the word “shalom” was used to describe this deep contentment of heart and mind, and God wanted to give this to His people. Where could it be found? At the coming of Jesus, the Prince of Peace, the angels announced “peace on earth to those on whom His favour rests”. Jesus came to make peace possible… firstly between God and us, secondly between us and others, and thirdly within ourselves. Jesus truly is the peace-maker. Have you found peace in Jesus this Christmas?

Light for a dark world

Christmas today is a set of old traditions, wrapped attractively in a commercial package. But somehow its real meaning is often overlooked. The apostle John describes it like this: “The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world”. Jesus came to bring light to a world in spiritual darkness. And Jesus is still His shining light into our dark world today …. exposing sin and showing the way to God to people who are groping for truth. All around us we see evidence of this darkness as people try to live without God. But only Jesus can say: “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12). Are you following Jesus today?

Simple salvation for a Syrian soldier

2 Kings 5 is the riveting story of the healing of Naaman, the Aramean (Syrian) military commander. Naaman is introduced to us as a powerful, important, successful, influential man who is master of his own destiny. But he has leprosy – a problem that renders him weak, helpless and dying. This is a story full of irony in which the solution to his problem is, in every way, not what he expects. Naaman is humbled, he is healed, and he acknowledges the God of Israel as the one true God, and commits himself to staying devoted to him.

A madman, meh-men and magi

The story of the wise men visiting Jesus is packed full of action and suspense. Tonight we look at three of the characters in more detail. This gives us a clearer picture of Jesus and challenges us to consider how we will respond to the news of Jesus’ birth.

A fresh start with a faithful God

There are times in life when we have to pause and do a personal stocktake. A big decision? A change in direction? A risky choice? The Israelites faced one of these moments in their history as they camped on the edge of the promised land on the plains of Moab. The old generation had died and now a new generation had to decide whether to take on the scary challenge of conquering the Canaanites. As they regrouped under a new leader, God reminded them of His ongoing faithfulness. Would they trust and obey Him? Would they worship Him? As we face new challenges in our lives, will we?

What makes Jesus so special?

The gospel of Matthew is all about Jesus. If there are questions about Jesus today, that’s no different from the first century AD. Who is he? Why did he come? What did he do? So right from the outset the disciple Matthew introduces us to several things about Jesus that set him apart as someone very special… his ancestry, his birth, his names and his role. He may have been born into the family of a humble, rural carpenter, but we mustn’t let that fool us. As we find out in this message, Jesus was always destined to be God’s promised Messiah. And that has massive implications for you and me today!

Sin’s slippery slope

Numbers 25 is the crazy story of a priest driving a spear through an adulterous, idol-worshipping couple, and in so doing, turning aside the wrath of God from the whole community of Israel. We learn that at the root of all sin is idolatry, that sin is serious and so making atonement for sin requires extreme measures. And so we are prompted to consider what idols we are yoking ourselves to, to confront sin in our lives and what it will take to cut sin off, but it also causes us to be amazed at what God has done for us in Christ, and to look forward to a new creation where we will no longer battle with sin.

Decision Time

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus teaches what it looks like to be a part of his kingdom. How will you respond to his teaching? Will you enter through the narrow or the wide gate? Will you be a wise or foolish builder?

Kingdom living in relationship with others

From judging others, to how we pray, to doing to others what we’d like them to do to us; Jesus covers various issues in these verses as he helps his followers to see the implications of being part of the Kingdom for all of their lives, in particular in relationship with other people.

God on our side

There are times in life, especially when we are nervous or afraid, when we need to be reassured that God is with us. In today’s passage we see how God did this for the Israelites in a rather remarkable way – using a foreign king, a pagan clairvoyant and a talking donkey! God can use anyone or anything to make get His message across. And what a word it was! Through Balaam God assured the Israelites that He was their faithful God who would honour all His promises to them and bless them. The same God makes promises to us, His redeemed people, today. Are you facing difficulties? Is your faith wavering? Then this message is for you.

God’s Glory Alone

Because salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, according to God’s Word alone, God alone is the one who deserves all the glory. We are saved for his glory, we live for his glory and one day we will share in his glory.