Kids Holiday Club (Page 39)

Kids Holiday Club (Page 39)

Looking for something fun for the kids to do in the September/ October school holidays? We are excited to open our doors to the Kedron community.

Our Kids Holiday Club program will encourage kids to explore through games, craft, music, food and bible stories. There is also a huge, free, family fun night.

Almost a Wasted Life (Samson)

What should we make of a man like Samson?  Incredibly talented, empowered by the Spirit of God, yet deeply flawed in so many ways.  In this message Pastor Murray gives us a glimpse of his “playboy ” lifestyle and eventual downfall.  But we also see how God chose to use him despite his many failings to deliver his Israelite people from the torment of the Philistines.  Samson’s story gives hope to all those who have wasted the best part of…

Too big to get in

Jesus’ encounter with the rich ruler reminds us that eternal life belongs to those come to Jesus like children, trusting not in themselves, but in the God who does the impossible.   Matthew 19:13-3

Too Much Forgiveness

We all want God to be loving and merciful and compassionate toward us, but sometimes it can be hard to swallow when it is directed toward those who we think don’t deserve it.  This was what Jonah struggled to come to terms with.  In one sense, forgiveness is never “fair”, but God is can forgive whomever he chooses, no matter what they’ve done. Jonah 4

Worth the Wait

The writer of Psalm 130 puts their hope for mercy, in the word of God; His character, His promises, and His commands. Knowing God will keep His word, enables God’s people to wait with joy for God’s salvation to be revealed. We are urged to do the same. Having seen God’s salvation through Jesus, we too must put our hope in His word, waiting for His return. God is worth the wait. Psalm 130

Learning To Trust God … Patiently

Among the many godly women in the Bible, Sarah is specifically mentioned for her faith in the book of Hebrews.  But her journey with God was a bumpy one, as we see in today’s message.  Over 25 long years she waited …. and waited …. and waited, until finally God fulfilled His scientifically impossible promise and enabled her to have a baby!  Her laugh of unbelief became a laugh of joy.  Perhaps you have been waiting for God to answer…

Why Worry About Worry?

Anxiety is arguably the no.1 cause of ill-health in Australia today.  Worry about finances, employment, illness, relationships, family, fashion, peer pressure etc. sap the joy of so many of us.   So how should we handle our worries?  Jesus uses two simple illustrations from everyday life, birds and flowers, to point us to the answer.  Who cares for them?  Of course, God does.  And he cares even more for us!  The question is, are we prepared to trust Him with our…

Going The Distance In The Life Of Faith

As we begin a new year with all its hopes and uncertainties, God calls us to keep on faithfully living for Him.  One man who exemplified this was the apostle Paul.   And in Philippians 3 he gives us a snapshot of his life – his early life, his conversion to Christianity, and how he pressed on as a Christian over many years.  Clearly his personal encounter with Christ was life-changing.  Whatever our age or stage of life, let us be…

A Unique Baby

Millions of babies are born every year around the world.  Billions have been born throughout history.  But one baby born 2000 years ago was unlike any other baby ever born.  The birth of Jesus was absolutely unique, but why?  Listen in as Pastor Murray shares with us three special reasons that help us understand the true meaning of Christmas, and make it relevant to each of us personally. John 1:1-5  and  1 John 1:1-4

A Unique Backstory

To understand the story of Christmas we have to go right back to the Garden of Eden.  What happened there brought darkness into the world.  The Old Testament records for us the long, sad story of sin and failure.  For thousands of years all attempts to solve the world’s problems failed.  But God refused to give up on the world and the people He had made.  He promised that one day a Son from the descendants of King David would…

The Question of Divorce

When some Pharisees come to Jesus with a legal question about divorce, Jesus responds by pointing them to the masterpiece of marriage in its perfectly created form. Although we live in a broken world He urges us to preserve marriage by being faithful, forgiving failures and pursuing unity. Matthew 19: 1-12

Models of Ministry

As Paul presents the apostles as models of Christian ministry we are challenged to consider what it is we value in our Christian leaders and what kind of leaders we ourselves want to be. 1 Corinthians 4:1-17