Kids Holiday Club (Page 38)

Kids Holiday Club (Page 38)

Looking for something fun for the kids to do in the September/ October school holidays? We are excited to open our doors to the Kedron community.

Our Kids Holiday Club program will encourage kids to explore through games, craft, music, food and bible stories. There is also a huge, free, family fun night.

Sincere Love

Romans 12:9-13 The Christian community is a family that includes much diversity. But if we are going to live as a family, we will need to have a love for each other that reflects God’s love; in Quality, Commitment and Expression. We need to be mastered by the love of Jesus.

New life – New lifestyle

Ephesians 4:17-32 What difference does becoming a Christian actually make? A massive difference according to the apostle Paul. And in today’s passage he explains what actually happens when a person comes to Christ. Along with a changing of our heart (attitudes) and the renewing of our mind (thinking), we begin living a whole new lifestyle. With the help of the Holy Spirit we “put off” the old sinful habits of the past and “put on” the new qualities of holiness.…

In View of God’s Mercy

Romans 12:1-2 Living sacrifices respond to the mercies of God by offering themselves to God. Listen as we contemplate the ways in which God has shown us mercy. May a clear view of God’s mercy lead us to live committed, transformed lives for His glory.

Praying for God’s Power

Ephesians 3:14-21 Most people have a “shopping list” approach to prayer (a literal or mental list). That’s fine, but what’s on that list? When Paul thought about the people in the church at Ephesus, many thoughts must have come to mind, but what he prayed for them in these verses is unexpected and very profound ……God’s power, God’s love, and the full measure of God’s presence within their lives. Compared with our puny, often self-centred prayers, I wonder what difference…

No More Questions

The Jewish leaders have been challenging Jesus’ authority in various ways.  Now they ask a series of trick questions about the law, in the hope of catching Jesus out.  Jesus stuns the crowds with his answers, but eventually he asks them the one question that matters: “Who is Jesus really?”  If Jesus is really God, then whether we’re a disinterested unbeliever or a Christian who’s compromising, the one thing we must not do is take Jesus lightly.  He is the…

Salvation stories

Jewish Paul had a salvation story. The Gentile Ephesians had a different salvation story. But though they were different, they shared plenty in common! In the end, every Christian’s salvation story has the same author, the same hero, the same key details and the same ending.  Ephesians 1:11-14

Authority issues

The religious leaders come questioning Jesus’ authority before Jesus rebukes them with three parables which outline the nature of authority in God’s kingdom. We’re left to consider what it means for us to live under the authority of God in His kingdom. Matthew 21:23-22:14

How rich we are!

In this message we begin a new series on Paul’s letter to the Ephesians.  He launches immediately into what one writer calls a “golden chain” of spiritual blessings that ought to thrill the heart of every Christian. How humbling it is to know that we have been chosen, adopted, redeemed, forgiven and given a glimpse of God’s eternal purposes!  And there are more in the next few verses!  May these wonderful truths drive us to our knees in gratitude and…

The King Commands Attention

For centuries the Jews had longed for a Messiah-King to save them as a nation.  Finally the day came when Jesus presented Himself to them as that King.  But what sort of king?  A humble King riding on a donkey, yet a fearless King who would overthrow the whole broken religious system.  King Jesus reigned from the cross five days later, and He still reigns in the lives of everyone who will receive Him by faith today. Matthew 21:1-22

Fear, Forgiveness and favour

Listen as we consider the experience of Joseph’s brothers who went from a place of fear to a place of favour in the presence of the brother they had sinned against. As those who have sinned against a powerful and holy God, let us remember that forgiveness is the path from fear to favour. Genesis 42-45

Gospel Shaped Greatness

Our culture celebrates greatness and high achievement in every sphere of life.  As Jesus address the issue of greatness, he turns things completely upside down.  Gospel-shaped greatness is the polar opposite of worldly greatness.  It follows the pattern set by Jesus who gave his life up for others.  Matthew 20:17-34