Looking for something fun for the kids to do in the September/ October school holidays? We are excited to open our doors to the Kedron community.
Our Kids Holiday Club program will encourage kids to explore through games, craft, music, food and bible stories. There is also a huge, free, family fun night.
Transformed by Jesus
Luke 19:1-10 How has Jesus changed your life? In today’s passage, we meet Zacchaeus, a man who has his life radically transformed by Jesus. Like Zacchaeus, when we receive from Jesus what he is offering to us, our lives will also be transformed.
The Rich Ruler
Luke 18:22-25 Our culture conditions us to value and promote independence and, for many of us, our situation in life means we are easily fooled into thinking we can live independent of God. But the gospel is all about dependence. The one who comes to Jesus in complete and utter dependence is the one who will be saved, and the life of following Jesus continues in complete dependence on him for all things.
The Sinful Woman
Luke 7:36-50 In this story of Jesus’ encounter with a sinful woman, Jesus and Simon the Pharisee see her very differently. Simon sees her only as a ‘sinner’ because he misunderstands how God sees her. Jesus teaches that God has everything to do with sinners who turn to him! Once we belong to Jesus our lives are lived out of love and gratitude toward him because of his great love for us!
Simeon’s Song
Luke 2:25-35 Christmas is a time of great anticipation. In today’s passage, we meet Simeon, a man who has been waiting with great anticipation for the Lord’s Messiah. In Jesus, Simeon finally sees the one he has been waiting for and he praises God for his gift of salvation. But he also has a sombre warning for Mary. This baby might be the bringer of peace, but he will also face great hostility, as will all who pledge their allegiance…
Zechariah’s Song
Luke 1:57-80 At the birth of his son, John the Baptist, Zechariah breaks into song. His words speak of the coming of the Lord and John’s future role in preparing the way for his coming. In Zechariah’s song we see that God knows what we need more than anything – we need saving from sin and for God to restore our broken relationship with him. He has given us all of this and more in sending his Son Jesus to…