Looking for something fun for the kids to do in the September/ October school holidays? We are excited to open our doors to the Kedron community.
Our Kids Holiday Club program will encourage kids to explore through games, craft, music, food and bible stories. There is also a huge, free, family fun night.
Will Israel’s deliverer please stand up?
Judges 4-5 In most cases in the Book of Judges, when Israel needs rescuing from their enemies, the LORD raises up a judge to deliver them. Uniquely in Judges 4-5, we see Deborah, Barak and Jael all play a part in overcoming the Canaanites. We’re left asking, who is the real deliverer of Israel? And who should get the honour for the victory. AS in our salvation in Christ, the honour should not go to a human deliverer, but to…
Worshiping created things
Romans 1:18-32 Why does every single human being need to put their trust in Jesus? In Romans 1-3, Paul answers this question. He proves that true righteousness can only come through faith in Christ. Today we look at part one of his argument – the messed up state of our world is proof that we have suppressed the truth about God and that he is angry at sin.
The right(?) man for the job
Judges 3:12-30 The story of Ehud is designed to make us laugh, especially at the cartoonish king of Moab, Eglon. And yet even as we laugh, we’re also forced to think, about our greatest problem, our unlikely deliverer and our mighty God, who laughs at those who stand opposed to him (Ps. 2:4)
Comprehensive Gospel Eagerness
Romans 1:8-17 Paul rejoices in the faith of the Roman Christians and he is eager to get to Rome to share the gospel – both for the encouragement and strengthening of the Christians there, and for the salvation of all who would believe. We must ask ourselves, also, are our lives characterised by comprehensive gospel eagerness?
Crippled by Compromise
Judges 1:1-3:6The first couple of chapters of The Book of Judges forecasts for us the downward spiral that is to come for the nation of Israel, but it also takes us to ‘ground zero’ – to how this all began – compromises they made by not trusting God completely nor obeying him completely. We need to heed the warning not to compromise in our generation, and to look to the cross of Christ for mercy, forgiveness and ultimate deliverance.
God’s good news
Romans 1:1-7 In Paul’s greeting to the church at Rome, we learn about Paul’s message and his mission. Listen as we think about why Paul wrote Romans and why it is such an important letter for us to read today.
Sharing the gospel with confidence
Romans 1:16-17 We all delight to hear of God’s saving work in people’s lives, and we want God to use us to bring people to faith. But we often lack the confidence to share the gospel with unbelievers. Here we take a look at why we can all have confidence to share the gospel, and consider some of the ways we can move towards living our whole lives evangelistically.
Carry each other’s burdens
Ephesians 4:11-16 God calls us to care for each other by carrying each other’s burdens. Today we explore Ephesians 4:11-16, thinking through why we’re all called to care for each other, and what it looks like for us to do this in practice.
Boldness in Prayer
As Christians, we’re called to the good work of prayer. But sometimes the good work of prayer might feel more like hard work. If that’s how we feel, then the Scriptures have some encouragement for us. Let us consider three truths about God which remind us that prayer can be simple, and be encouraged to press on being a church which boldly depends on God in prayer.
Made Alive
Ephesians 2:1-10 When we think about the good things God is calling us to do as His church, it’s important that we first remind ourselves of what He has already done for us. We were by nature dead in our sins, but God has made us alive with Christ. By His grace we are made new, so that we might do good works.