Kids Holiday Club (Page 22)

Kids Holiday Club (Page 22)

Looking for something fun for the kids to do in the September/ October school holidays? We are excited to open our doors to the Kedron community.

Our Kids Holiday Club program will encourage kids to explore through games, craft, music, food and bible stories. There is also a huge, free, family fun night.


Matthew 14:22-32Jesus’ encounter with the disciples in the midst of the storm.

Shall we go on sinning?

Romans 6:1-14 We’ve all asked, or been asked this age-old question in one form or another: If forgiveness comes to me solely by the undeserved grace of God, does it matter how I live? Can I just go on sinning? Paul emphatically states that being a believer makes a decisive difference to one’s relationship to sin, and he gives us three reasons based on what has been done to us as we are united to Christ in his death and…

Look to Jesus and be saved

John 3:1-17 As we listen in on this surprising conversation between Nicodemus and Jesus, some profound truths are revealed for us about how we can have eternal life. We must undergo a spiritual re-birth, made possible only by trusting in Jesus death on the cross. And even more astounding is that all this is an act of God’s incredible love for a world full of rebels.

Trusting God alone as our rest and refuge

Psalm 62 The Psalmist recounts his experience of true safety, salvation, and rest in God despite the ongoing assault of his enemies. Drawing on this testimony, he implores the faith community to similarly seek refuge in God, for true rest and content can only be found in Him.

The Story of the World

Romans 5:12-21 The story of the world is the story of two humanities. In Adam, all sin and are under the reign of death, but through Christ, we reign through grace.


Romans 5:1-11 Paul turns from the theme of justification (chapters 1-4 of Romans) to begin his exposition of the great privileges that belong to the one who has been justified by faith in Christ. Today we are reminded that we have:1. Peace with God (1-2)2. Hope that will never let us down (2b-8)3. Certainty that we will be saved from God’s wrath Peace, hope and certainty. Contemplating these can only lead to rejoicing in God! (v11)

The Disciples’ Journey

Luke 9:51-10:4 Discipleship calls for single-minded clarity, and is to be lived out in a world that hates and opposes you, but can be lived confidently because we are children of God’s grace and eternal salvation.

The Gospel Unchained

Philippians 1:12-30 Paul’s focus on the gospel gave him a completely different perspective even though he was in prison in chains. Sharing Paul’s heart ‘to live is Christ and to die is gain’ will enable us to share his focus for the world.

A Life of Sacrifice

2 Corinthians 5:11-6:2 God calls us to live radical lives of sacrifice in service to Him. In this passage, we see two key reasons why anybody would choose to give their whole life for the cause of Christ

The weak life of gospel service

2 Corinthians 4:1-18 Increasingly, in our society, the gospel is being rejected and the experience of the Christian is one of weakness. As the Apostle Paul speaks about how his life of service has been shaped by the gospel, we are encourage to not lose heart, but instead to live gospel-shaped lives that reveal God’s glory and power.

The parable of the Ten virgins

Matthew 25:1-13 The Parable of the Ten Virgins reminds us that Jesus will return one day, suddenly and unexpectedly, and when he does we need to be ready! Are you ready? Are you staying ready? These are the questions we need to ask ourselves as we explore this parable together.