Kids Holiday Club (Page 21)

Kids Holiday Club (Page 21)

Looking for something fun for the kids to do in the September/ October school holidays? We are excited to open our doors to the Kedron community.

Our Kids Holiday Club program will encourage kids to explore through games, craft, music, food and bible stories. There is also a huge, free, family fun night.

A glorious new purpose

1 Peter 2:4-10 In these verses Peter reminds us that we are part of God’s glorious new temple built on Christ, the Cornerstone. We have a glorious new identity and glorious new purpose.

An imperishable seed

1 Peter 1:22-2:3 Here, Peter outlines three key characteristics that those who have new life in Christ possess.

The Believer’s Celebration

Romans 8:31-39 Having uncovered so much precious treasure as we have journeyed through Romans 1-8, Paul asks us “what, then, shall we say in response to these things?” Let us celebrate the wonderful privileges which belong to those who are in Christ. Who can be against us? Who can condemn us? Who can separate us from God’s love? No one!

The Sojourner’s Life

1 Peter 1:13-21 Having already outlined who we are in Christ and where we’re going, Peter describes what ought to characterise our Christian lives as sojourners in this world. We are to live lives marked by hope, holiness and reverent fear.

Groaning and Glory

Romans 8:18-30 There is a sense of incompleteness that characterises our present experience. We live in the tension between the already and the not yet. We groan, along with creation and the Holy Spirit while waiting for the incompleteness of our present experience to be overcome once and for all, as it will for all those who belong to Christ.

A Living Hope

1 Peter 1:3-12 As Peter begins the first main section of his letter, it is as though he “drops anchor” and reminds his readers of some of the incredible privileges they have as believers. We have a glorious future. There is purpose in our trials. We are in a privileged position as those for whom God’;s revelation was given. May we always hold fast to these incredible truths.

Life in the Spirit

Romans 8:1-17 Having described the struggle against indwelling sin that Christians continue to experience, we are left with the question, “Can we be sure that salvation by grace alone really works?” “Can we have assurance?” Paul’s answer in Romans 8:1-17, is a richly trinitarian one, and one which specifically highlights the present ministry of the Holy Spirit to the believer.

Elect exiles

1 Peter 1:1-2 As we begin the book of 1 Peter, the apostle writes to persecuted Christians, instructing them how to live lives as “Elect Exiles” in a world that is not their home, encouraging them to live lives that glorify Christ, and that despite their circumstances, the joy and peace of Christ are available.


Romans 7 In Romans 7, Paul focuses on the place of the law in the life of the Christian. He does this by describing three important relationships: between the believer and the law, the law and sin, and the believer’s old and new natures.

Who’s in charge here?

Romans 6:15-23 In this second half of Romans 6, Paul reminds us that we have been set free from slavery to sin (which leads to death) and become slaves to righteousness (which leads to eternal life) – and so we must now offer ourselves in service to God.