Looking for something fun for the kids to do in the September/ October school holidays? We are excited to open our doors to the Kedron community.
Our Kids Holiday Club program will encourage kids to explore through games, craft, music, food and bible stories. There is also a huge, free, family fun night.
The Lord’s Power and Justice
Psalm 97 In Pastor Karl’s sermon from Sunday evening, we explore Psalm 97, which reveals God’s unmatched power and justice. The psalmist compares God’s greatness to mountains melting like wax before Him, reminding us of how small our view of God can be. The message highlights God’s righteousness as the foundation of His throne, showing that His judgment is consistent with His holiness. We are challenged to examine what we truly worship—whether materialism, comfort, or self—and recognize how these idols…
What does the Lord Require of You?
Micah 6:1-8 In this sermon from Pastor Michael, we reflect on God’s call through the prophet Micah, who examines what God requires of us. Drawing from Micah 6 and Deuteronomy, we learn that God desires not just good works, but hearts that love justice, mercy, and humility. The message challenges us to examine our own motives and responsibilities before God and His church. It also warns of the judgment Israel faced for their disobedience, reminding us that, though we too…
Prayers of Power
In this challenging sermon from James 5:13-20, Pastor Karl emphasizes that prayer is always relevant, no matter the situation. He explores the link between sickness and sin, urging us to examine our hearts and repent where necessary. While not all sickness is linked to sin, there are times when suffering can be a call to return to God. Pastor Karl challenges us to cultivate a life of constant prayer—calloused knees testifying to a life of serious petition—and to actively pursue…
The Road to Restoration
Micah 4-5 In this sermon from Micah 4-5, Pastor Michael reminds us that true restoration comes not through our own efforts, but through the pain of exile, the hope found in the birth of Jesus—the King who brings peace, and the breaking down of our self-sufficiency. Discover how God’s plan to restore us is deeper than we expect, and how the path to peace and wholeness begins with surrender. Watch now and be encouraged by the promise of a future…
A Letter to the Rich and Poor
James 5:1-11 This Sunday evening, Ben Lean brings us the word of God from James. We see in this chapter a warning to the rich, as well as an encouragement for the poor and oppressed.
A Crisis of Leadership
Micah 3 This Sunday morning, Michael exhorts us from the book of Micah. Micah 3 details God’s Judgement on unjust rulers, false prophets, and crooked leaders. Godly leaders use their power to bless others, they love God not money, and they courageously speak God’s truth, even when it is unpopular.
Boasting in Our Plans
James 3:13-17 This Sunday evening, Karl brings us the word from James as we continue our series ‘Faith that Works’. James 3 tells us that there are two views of planning: Man-centred and God-centred. Karl exhorts us from James to take a God-centred ‘if it is your will, Lord’ approach to the plans we make in life. We must stop every now and then and reflect on our busyness, seeking the Lord’s will for our life.
Human Plans, God’s Plans
Micah 2 This Sunday morning, we continue our series in the book of Micah. Michael demonstrates to us from Micah to God’s woe against the covetous, the selective hearing of God’s people, and His plan to gather a remnant for Himself.
A Call to Repent
James 4:1-3 This Sunday evening, Michael brings us the Word of God from James 4. James tells us that we must repent because friendship with the world makes you an enemy of God, because God jealously longs for us, and because God gives grace to those who humble themselves. Humble repentance looks like submitting to God, purifying our actions and attitudes, and experiencing Godly sorrow for sin.
Out of the Depths
Jonah 1:17-2:10 This Baptism Sunday morning, Michael exhorts us from the book of Jonah. He explains how God’s grace is for those who admit their helpless predicament, His grace means new life, and His grace fuels our commitment to Him.
Two Kinds of Wisdom
James 3:13-18 This Sunday evening, pastor Karl explains from James 3 the difference between worldly wisdom that is envious, selfish, and disordered, and Godly wisdom that is submissive to Christ, pure, peace-loving, fruit-bearing, and merciful. We must be growing in Godly wisdom through conversion to Christ, reverence of Him, reading Scripture, mentorship from older Christians, and Prayer.
Who is Like the Lord?
Micah 1 This Sunday morning, Michael introduces our new morning series on the book of Micah. He explains the historical background and context of Micah before showing how Micah 1 demonstrates the announcement of God’s judgement, the extent of God’s judgment, and the reason for God’s judgement on the people of Israel. The heart of the human problem is that we have lifted up other things in worship in the place that only God deserves to be. These are counterfeit…