Kids Holiday Club (Page 14)

Kids Holiday Club (Page 14)

Looking for something fun for the kids to do in the September/ October school holidays? We are excited to open our doors to the Kedron community.

Our Kids Holiday Club program will encourage kids to explore through games, craft, music, food and bible stories. There is also a huge, free, family fun night.

Join the Parade

Nehemiah 2:1-9 Join God’s parade rather than being on the sideline. How are you preparing yourself to speak to people that don’t know the truth?

Christ above all

Philippians 1:12-26 Are Christians called to live a safe life? If so, it appears the apostle Paul didn’t get the memo. As he reflects on his imprisonment for Christ in Philippians 1, it is clear that in order to live a faithful, fulfilled, gospel-shaped life, then our own self-preservation mustn’t be our priority.


Luke 8:22-25 In this powerful demonstration of his authority over nature, Jesus asserts his claim as the Creator of all things. The question is: Can we put our trust in him who has complete control in all situations?

A set-apart community

Exodus 35-39 Exodus 35-39 gives us a glimpse of what it can look like when God’s special people live out their special purpose in this world.

Authority over Spiritual Powers

Luke 4:31-37 Throughout Luke’s gospel, we see Jesus doing many incredible things. From calming storms, to raising people from the dead, to forgiving sins; many of these bold claims keep us wondering “just who is this Jesus?”. As we explore the account of Jesus casting out a demon in Capernaum, we are going to see just what implications Jesus’ authority over all spiritual powers has for Christians.

Emphasising the right notes

Colossians 1:15-23 In this passage, Paul magnifies the Lord Jesus! He is supreme in both creation and redemption, and through faith in him we become the beneficiaries of his great act of redemption. These great truths should utterly transform us such that Christ should have first place in every aspect of our lives and in his church.